
Monday 12 September 2011

Child Growth...


     What every famly and community has a right to know about " Child Growth "...

Note to Communicators

     Malnutrition and repeated infections retard or slow down the physical and mental development of many children. The six prime health messages in this chapter could help parents to prevent child malnutrition even in low-income families or communities...

     Some parents are unable to feed their children adequately because of poverty. Political and economic action involving land development and income generating activities including food production by and for the poor, can help to alleviate this problem...

     The majority of parents in the country have the capacity to provide an adequate diet for their children - if they know about the special needs of the young child and if they are supported by their communities and the government in putting that knowledge into practice.

Prime Massage

  1) Regular weight gain in the most important sign of a child's overall health and development. Children up to the age of six years should be weighed regularly to monitor their growth.
  2) Breast milk alone is the best food for the first five to six months of a child's life.
  3) By the age of five to six months, the child needs other foods in addition to breast milk.
  4) A child between 6 months to six years of age needs food five to six times a day.
  5) All children need foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
  6) After an illness, a child needs extra meals to catch up on the growth lost during the illness.


Baity SweetOuju said...

Good article, we should be proud that our government is still taking every step to enhance the health and welfare of the youngsters.

I am proud to be Malaysian.

zely1982 said...
